Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Woman go shopping,  men go fishing.
           I open my eyes to the constant beeping coming from my phone. Wiping the sleep from my eyes I sloppily press buttons on my phone until the incessant noise stops. I momentarily drift off to sleep until the beeping wakes me up again.
       I drag myself out of bed and walk across the hall in my boxers to wake up Paul. He does his whole sleep talking routine to try and squeeze in a few more minutes of sleep.
      The plan was to go fishing for the day on Paul's Girlfriends Fathers land. Ya, quite a mouthful. We had one problem. Paul's girlfriend said she would call the cops if we took her car, we took the chance.
         Following the GPS, a half hour out of town we finally reach our destination. Roger, Paul's Girl friends father ran his sand company on acres of land in North Carolina. Many man made stocked ponds speckled his property. Roger was nice enough to buy us a pair of poles to use for the day.
        to be continued...

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