Saturday, November 13, 2010

North Corolina

Ya that last post was rather long but its amazing what Starbucks will do to you...Venti, capachino, double shot...whipped cream?  Yes! Its a good thing I'm typing all this or my hand would be shaking so badly that I wouldn't be able to hold a pen.
      Anyway North Carolina, ya. I am so glad I am out of the south...nothing against it, its just I like to understand people when I talk to them. I did still have great time...just smile and nod, smile and nod.
     Halloween was great, i dressed up as a lumber Jack, or Paul Bunyun, just no blue bull. Red plad shirt, thick black suspenders, black Car-harts, a very nice plastic brand name Wal-Mart axe...awesome, I know, and of course the what every lumberjack needs a red plaid hat with fuzzy ear flaps.
      I met up with Paul Buford there in North Carolina and we stayed at his girl friends mothers house. Good times. Paul was an 80's rock star...long blond hair, tight pants, leather jacket.
       Pauls girl friends father took us to an authentic fish fry, with a whole lot of southern old men, that spoke in a think southern drawl. The fish was breaded deep fried and delicious. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, any feedback, I will reply to as well. The southern fish fry was a unique experience that I will probably never be able to experience again.
      On my last day there Paul and I went fishing....I will explain all that tomorrow because if I do it now you won't get the full effect, and I care about my readers. That's right I care about YOU!...and maybe I got to be somewhere, but that's neither here nor there. Good night and good morrow.

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