Saturday, October 9, 2010


So I know I said that I'd like update this every day and stuff,...not gonna happen. Im a busy man changing citys every few days, living out of a suit case. Its kinda stressful. I think. More fun than anything. I  get to sleep in every day. Get hair cut by attractive beauty queens ( hair stylists), cha! its rad. But sometime I worry if I like forgot something at my last stop. I for got my shampoo, body wash in minneapolis, Im sure Josy will use that every day!! ha ha ha And then I got to decide if I shoud get up at noon or 1 O'clock. Life hard I know. But just keep pushin through to the next stop. I don't know who actually reads all this nonsence...laaaaammmme!!! I get bored writing it constantly.      Damn girls text fast.     I met my cousin Zoey yesterday. She's an adorable little two year old that just learned to talk.  She calls me Shua. Soooo, going to church tomorrow. and then, gonna eat some food at a food show, and then, gonna give some change to a homeless guy, and then gonna prolly eat some junk food, and then gonna do a hand stand, and then, who know what ....

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